LittlexLittle Matching Campaign
Dear Sponsors, families and friends,
ASA Women USA is a registered 501-C-3 non-profit national organization, dedicated to raising awareness to health issues affecting the underprivileged men, women, widows, children, youths, physically challenged persons in Anambra State, Nigeria and in USA. Since its inception in 2011, ASA Women USA Cancer Coalition has been empowering indigent women with Cancer & Maternal health issues through medical missions in 27 towns in Anambra State with FREE breast, cervical & prostate cancer awareness, providing advocacy, education, screening, medically & surgically treated over 25,000 underprivileged persons and covered the hospital bills of the surgical patients during the coordinated post care medical missions at three major hospitals in Anambra State.
Today, we’re inviting you to join us in a celebration of the power of small acts of generosity for GlobalGiving’s Little by Little campaign. From Monday, September 13 until Friday, September 17, 2021, GlobalGiving will match ALL online donations from a minimum of $50—twice!
Donate to support our Legacy Project on Strengthening the Health Systems through Availability and Accessibility of Healthcare to Indigent Cancer & Maternal Health Women in Anambra State, Nigeria.
Be one of the first people to donate here: https://www.globalgiving.org/
projects/healthcare-access-to- indigent-women-in-nigeria/ Here’s how the double match works: when you start giving monthly from September 13, 2021, you’ll be matched at 50%. Once you reach your fourth consecutive month in January, you’ll unlock an additional one-time match at 100%. On September 13, your $50 gift transforms into $75—in January, it becomes $100!
With just $50 or more, one-time gift or monthly donation, we can support our Legacy Project based on 65: 35 ratio:
1. Support a community’s establishment of International Cancer Diagnostic & Research Centre in Anambra State, Nigeria
2. Support the State-owned health insurance premium coverage to Indigent women with cancer and maternal health issues
Together with your partnership, our project will ensure the availability and accessibility of healthcare, and that those primary health needs particular to women and their families are addressed. This will also promote socio economic productivity in the State and the Nation at Large.
We’re also going to need your help spreading the word! Pease share this opportunity with your family and friends. Now, more than ever, our community needs us. And we need you. In times like this, we’re reminded of how interconnected we all are. Thank you for being part of our community.
Download our appeal letter here
Without you, none of it is possible.
Respectfully yours,
Dr. Anthonia Uche Umeh, Founder/ National President
Email: [email protected]Dr Josephine O. Onor , National General Secretary)
Email: [email protected],