through education, early detection and prevention of diseases such as Breast and Cervical Cancer.
About Us.

Who we are
ASA WOMEN USA CANCER COALITION is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness to issues affecting all women, children, youths, physically challenged persons in Anambra State and most importantly, the underprivileged women,
ASA WOMEN USA CANCER COALITION was founded in 2011 as a nonprofit organization for all Anambra State Women residing in the United States of America for the purposes of working together in the development of our homeland through the integration of skills and the socio-economic empowerment of vulnerable women, children and youth in Anambra State, Nigeria and the United States of America.
Founded in 2011, ANAMBRA STATE ASSOCIATION, WOMEN IN USA, Inc. trading as ASA WOMEN USA is a registered 501(c) (3) national non-profit organization located in the United States dedicated to raising awareness and implementing programs to address health and educational issues affecting women, children, youth and physically challenged persons in Anambra State Nigeria.
Membership to the ASA WOMEN- USA is through affiliate Chapters, or by Members at Large. The association is open to all Anambra State Women in the United States of America. An Anambra State Woman is one who, by birth, marriage, naturalization, or adoption, is a native of the area delineated as Anambra State in Nigeria. . A Chapter of the organization can be constituted by at least five people of Anambra State descent resident in any one town, city or geographic area in the United States .
ASA WOMEN USA CANCER COALITION is committed to the transformation of Anambra state into a state that provides quality healthcare, a free and safe environment and improved living standards forunderprivileged, rural community women, widows, children and youth through innovative andempowerment programs that focus on maternal health, breast, cervical & prostate cancerawareness among women and men in Anambra state, Nigeria. Anambra is a state in southeastern Nigeria, West Africa
ASA WOMEN USA CANCER COALITION overarching mission is to develop meaningful projects that sustain and empower women, children and youth in Anambra state, Nigeria. A strong organization of women, by women, for women, the organization works, through affiliate chapters and members at large to consolidate the efforts of its membership towards goal realization. ASA Women, USA engages in developing substantial partnerships and collaborations with governments and other stakeholders. It utilizes means such as awareness campaigns, health clinics, and skills acquisition programs.